Dec 272018

As I mentioned a few days ago, I found the Nextflix movie “Bird Box” to be quite entertaining. In short, it’s a horror/post-apocalyptic story set in a world suddenly being overrun by entities that, if you see them, you go nutty as a chipmunk and promptly off yourself.There is really no allegory to be had here, as “monsters that make you kill yourself if you look at them” is an idea that doesn’t really have any real-world basis.

But that won’t stop some people from jamming their crackpot worldview and political ideologies into an analysis of the flick. Gentlemen, behold:

Netflix’s Bird Box Is Really About How White People Don’t Want to See Racism

One might assume that this is a bit of satire. But then, this is The Root, a color reversed and politically correct version of Stormfront, where both the writers and the commenters actually seem to buy into the BS the site is built on.

 Posted by at 10:27 pm