Dec 262018

Actor Chris Pratt seems like a stand-up fella. He and I do not share religious views… but more importantly he does not share religious views with much of Hollywood. Nor does he share cultural views with much of Hollywood. Hollywood projects the image of being a pack of weirdos who think that food literally magically appears in a Whole Foods, that there is not real effort involved in the creation of the things that people eat to stay alive. Chris Pratt, on the other hand, owns a functioning farm where he not only raises livestock, he slaughters and eats them as well, and seems to take joy in all of it. And to that I say… good on ya, ya religious goofball.

But there appears to be a “coastal” worldview that cannot understand farmers, ranchers or anyone who actually raises the food that appears on their tables.

TV Guide’s Hit Piece on Chris Pratt’s ‘Problematic’ Life as a Farmer Is Everything Wrong With Hollywood

Here’s the biggest surprise in the whole thing: TV Guide is still a thing.

 Posted by at 7:40 pm