Dec 202018

The video below does not contain any of the original video, but rather discusses the content of the original video and asks “why does YouTube allow this channel to remain?” What’s in the original video that’s so objectionable? It’s from the channel of a 15-year-old Chilean kid who posts the usual gaming stuff… except for when he posts videos of himself brutalizing the family cats.

Kids that do this to animals need to be separated from society because it’s not only a certainty that they are already monsters, but it’s a safe bet that they will soon graduate to doing this to humans. Since the kid is in Chile, there’s nothing that US authorities can do. Therefore the question falls to YouTube: y’all banned a gaming channel because it showed violence within the violent game “Red Dead Redemption 2,” and yet you allow a channel to remain up that shows *real* violence? WTF, YouTube?

The Internet is a hellscape of decay and corruption; I’m just glad that, so far, the sensory inputs available online are restricted to sight and sound because I suspect strongly that the web would smell less like a garbage fire and more like a burning septic tank filled with infected decaying flesh. Still in all this misery there is hope in the form of Anonymous and Reddit and 4chan. As bonkers as those folks can often be… ya don’t abuse a cat around ’em. They’ll hound you to the ends of the Earth.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm