Sep 142009

I’m sorry, but this rendering, bland as it may be in terms of lighting, background, texturing mapping (of which there is none) and whatnot, shows the Nexus launch vehicle as being just damned spiffy.


 Posted by at 3:56 pm

  4 Responses to “The Nexus of Awesomeness”

  1. As I told a friend on discovering Nexus in an old issue of “Missiles & Rockets” (if I recall correctly)

    “in the Sixties, men were men, and knew the pitiable payload of the Saturn V would soon be eclipsed by that of…NEXUS.”

  2. If you are looking for someone to map that for ya. . .(I promise to get it done before 2015 😉 )

  3. That’s off the hook, Scott. Can’t wait for the model. Sadly we’ll never see the real thing fly . . .

  4. I like the 1/288 scale myself. I will definately be getting Nexus.

    A Nexus/ Battleship-type Orion combo would be a good candidate for the Michael. I like that original design ok, but Nexus/Orion looks better on screen to me as more realistic.

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