Nov 292018

Kinda surprising, actually. All Marc Lamont Hill did was advocate for the destruction of the state of Israel, with the implied genocide of all the Jews who had the bad manners of being born their in their own country.

CNN drops Marc Lamont Hill after anti-Israel remarks at UN spark backlash

What did he say in particular?

“What Justice requires, and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

The river he speaks of is the Jordan… Israels eastern border. the sea is of course the Med, Israels western boundary. The “river to the sea” phrase, a common one used by various Palestinian terrorist/genocidalist organizations over the years, is a call to wipe out Israel and replace it with a Palestinian ethnostate. This call was of course met with great approval at the UN, but oddly enough CNN decided that they had a problem with one of their contributors calling for ethnic cleansing. Hill is of course now denying that that’s what he meant, that he “only” wants Israel to retreat back to their indefensible pre-1967 borders, abandon their capital and to bring in enough Palestinians to outnumber the native Israelis.

 Posted by at 7:44 pm