Sep 232018

I’m shocked, SHOCKED that a business built on… well, not so much “violating the laws of physics,” as “ignoring the laws of physics, ” has gone bankrupt.

Thunderf00t has, unsurprisingly, posted a video appropriately mocking Fontus. But of perhaps greater import are the *many* clips in here from other companies, researchers, engineers and students who have somehow dreamed up the exact same idea of using a dehumidifier to make “free water from air.” A common feature of these concepts seems to be that they will Save The World and Save The Poor People.  And when it comes to saving the planet and the downtrodden, a lot of people do seem to lose any sense of rationality. As well as their investment. So, if you want to turn a million dollars into an empty bank account, go ahead and invest in these “water-from-air”systems. Or, better yet, send it to me. i can assure you that simply giving me money to spend however the frak I wish will be a better investment for you than something like Fontus.

 Posted by at 11:07 pm