Sep 212018

The YouTube algorithms occasionally throw out some odd videos. Like this one, which *seems* to show something cute and wholesome like schoolgirls firing a Barrett .50 BMG rifle. But since they are *Japanese* (I think?) “schoolgirls” I guess I gotta assume there’s something weird and creepifyin’ going on there. Note: some of the camera angles, coupled with the fashions, hint as much. Not, I think, truly NSFW, but maybe a little eyebrow-raising. Thus the “Continue Reading.”

But beyond the lurking threat of tentacles somewhere just off camera, what we see here are five rather dinky dames firing a very large rifle and to all appearances enjoying it. One wonders if, since these girls can clearly handle this weapon with aplomb, if the rampaging anti-gun nuts might benefit from some actual experience at the range.


FYI: That video popped up in response to having watched *this* one, which features something terribly WANT-worthy.

 Posted by at 7:19 pm