Sep 122018

I posted one of his vids a few days ago, but I recommend many more of them. The schtick here is that “Dicktor van Doomcock” is an old-school Evil Genius living in the center of the Earth, plotting planetary conquest… but in the meantime he’s going to review and critique movies and TV shows and culture in general. And… he’s distinctly non-PC. Not only does he employ expletives well, he has no use for SJWs and the cultural rot they represent and implement.

Initially I was a little put off by the format (goofy mask, altered voice, theatrics). But after watching a few of his vids, I find that it actually works really well. Who better than a supervillain to get angry and lose his sh!t when discussing  how, say, Star Trek Discovery craps all over Star Trek, how “Solo” forgot to actually be interesting, how those who try to tear down “Iron Man” in order to build up “Black Panther” are craven nincompoops? It’s like an angry version of MST3K.

Give him a watch. There are shockingly few views on these. Gotta love a guy who has Cthulhu as a sidekick.


 Posted by at 11:43 pm