Sep 052018

OK, you durn younguns too young to have seen Ralph Bakshi’s 1977 animated film “Wizards,” here’s a good and distinctly NSFW rundown:

“Wizards” was incredibly odd even then, and as the presenter here notes, this movie filled with sex and drugs and Nazis and violence and blood and gore had the same rating as “Frozen.” As he also notes, the anatomically correct and terribly non-Disneyesque elf princess Elinore is now arguably a Disney Princess.

As just plain bizarre as this movie was, filled with plot holes and budget limitations and acid flashback animation, the way in which the Good Wizard ultimately defeats the Evil Wizard always – since I first saw this on HBO circa 1978 or so – struck me as just simply spectacular and was something I’ve long wanted to pilfer. For example: in my own unwritten Harry Potter fanfiction from before “The Deathly Hallows” came out, I wanted to end the thing with a massive battle between the Good Wizards and Voldemorts forces, with Voldemort gaining the upper hand. And just before he strikes Harry down, James Bond (Daniel Craig version) steps out of the shadows and caps Voldemort in the noggin (and, yes, I had it all worked out how that could have been done. Gah.). *THAT* would have been an ending worth watching.

“The safe word is ‘Frazetta’.”


 Posted by at 12:07 pm