Aug 252018

From this thread:

Hey guys, look at the people who have stopped saying “hey guys”

This is a discussion over this article:

The Problem With ‘Hey Guys’

Where people are ulcerating over the fact there is no adequate gender-neutral equivalent of “guys” in American English, and boy, isn’t it just terrible that sometimes females and female-identifying humanoid beings are sometimes referred to with that masculine term which is so very, very hurtful. Or some damned thing, it’s hard to parse SJW bullcrap.

Anyway, right at the beginning of the Fark thread is this nugget of wisdom:

If I say “hey, guys, let’s …” anybody who takes offense at the word “guys” should consider him/her/itself not invited.

Damned skippy.

It would give me a warm fuzzy to see a situation where someone says “Hey, guys, let’s go do X, Y, Z,” some blue-haired matronizing Child Of Wokeness takes immediate and vocal offense, and the original speaker, without missing a beat or changing tone or attitude, simply points of that the COW is, indeed, not invited.

 Posted by at 1:03 pm