Aug 212018

Some jobs seems to employ right wingers; some, left wingers. Here is a study that tries to map out the left-right differences between various careers. It’s interesting, BUT: a few obvious occupations are left out. Chemists, physicists, scientists of all kinds; aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, nuclear engineers, engineers of all kinds. These would be interesting to see mapped out here. My own admittedly limited experience in aerospace indicates that the rocket side of aerospace is loaded with Republicans/Libertarians/right-wingers/conservatives/etc. to the point that any lefties are known as the oddball kooks in the company.

Occupations and Their Ideologies

Some utterly unshocking results include: those in motion pictures, professors, civil servants are overwhelming left; those in oil & gas, construction, automotive are overwhelmingly right. The speculation:

the left-wing occupations seem to be mostly about social performance and they garner high status. The right-wing occupations are mostly about mundane things and garner zero or negative status.

In other words:  Those on the right are doing stuff that needs doing, and they’re not doing it for glory; those on the left are doing stuff that’s all about appearance and status.


 Posted by at 10:15 pm