Aug 162018

A question was asked in the comments on a previous post what the anthem of the US Space Force should be. In responding I looked up the only conceivable choice on YouTube and posted it. But after that I continued to scroll down the YouTube page and found this, a video from 2010. Someone took a commercial and mashed it up with the US Space Force theme song and… it’s beautiful.

If some people can get away with trying to re-write history for their own political purposes, then by God I want *this* to be American history as taught in the schools I have anything to say about. This is history as it should be.

The language, as may be guessed from the title of the video, is a little salty. So crank it up, and if your boss complains tell him he’s a got-dam yella Commie and what he should be doing is put it on the PA system.

 Posted by at 10:23 pm