Aug 102018

The English language took over the world in no small part due to the fact that it is relatively simple, straightforward and does the job, while being ready to accept new words (cultural appropriate FTW, beeyotch!). So long as you didn’t care too much about its occasionally silly spellings (“knight,” “armour,” “enough” and so on), it’s pretty easy. It doesn’t have any of that silly gendering that a lot of languages have (and how does one go about determining the gender of something brand new? An airplane? A laser? A fusion reactor? A search engine?), and of course  in life there are only the two genders…

Oh, wait.

Not all cultures are equal. Some are better than others. Some are *way* better than others in *some* respects. This simple fact drives some people bugnuts; mention “American exceptionalism” unironically, and watch some heads explode. Part of what makes western civ so awesome is the incredibly useful and unifying English language. Another part of the awesomeness of western civ is the willingness to tolerate (i.e. allow to exist and not promptly crush underfoot) those who live within western civ yet who believe that western civ should be toppled and replaced by other cultures. But the dark flip side of that is that those who wish to undermine the west are free to try to do so. And one approach would be to destroy the English language. By turning it from a unifying force into an incoherent babble that’s good for little more than spreading outrage, the western civ underminers get closer to their goal. So the satire shown above? Perhaps not as far off the mark as might be expected.

 Posted by at 11:56 am