Aug 082018


The massive failure of Democratic Socialists in yesterday’s primaries

Every single candidate endorsed by celebrity Democratic Socialist politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was beaten by establishment Democrats in yesterday’s primaries.  And not just beaten – they were, in most cases, slaughtered.

On one hand, that is of course good. Democratic Socialists are monsters who would turn the American economy into the Venezuelan economy and spark a civil war, likely handing the world over to the Chinese in the process; keeping them away from the reins of power is as vital as keeping shotguns out of the hands of toddlers.

On the other hand, the fact that the Democrats have fallen so far to the Left that outright socialists actually stood a chance… that bodes poorly for the future. Yes, the Forces Of Darkness yesterday overcame the Forces Of Even Darker Darkness, but what about 2020? Will the Democratic Socialists come back even stronger? Was this a blip, or the beginning of a trend?

On the gripping hand: it *might* be that Republican challengers would have better luck against the more clearly whackadoo DemSocs than against the establishment Dems. And of course, even if the DemSocs might do ok in a few districts, holding them up as the Future Of The Democrats might help the Republicans further afield. Would it be worth it to elect a Castro-wannabe or two if it led to a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate? Maybe.

Well, there’s still idiotchild Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Democratic party nominee. She will very likely win… and her insane ideas, broadcast widely and wisely, just might be enough to spur enough sane people to vote against the party of the New Holodomor to prevent a Dem takeover. I wouldn’t bet on it, though. The Republicans, and even worse, the Libertarians, just plain stink at taking advantage of a situation.

 Posted by at 10:42 am