Jul 302018
Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for all’ bill estimated to cost $32.6T, new study says
That’s $32.6 trillion dollars over ten years, or $3.26 trillion dollars per year. Estimated 2018 US Fed Guv revenues are $3.34 trillion. Estimated deficit is $833 Billion… *before* you tack on an extra $3.26 Trillion.
Current US population is about 326 million. That extra cost works out to $10,000 per person per year. But since something like 40% of the working population doesn’t pay federal income taxes, and a whole lot of people are children and the retired and such… well, I can’t be bothered to do the math, bit I’m thinking it works out to a wee bit more than $20K per taxpayer per year. On top of all the taxes *already* owed.