Jul 232018

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site in Turkey of *vast* interest. The site dates to something like twelve *thousand* years ago, by far the earliest sign of monumental engineering. The culture that erected the stone structures there has been completely lost; it is effectively an alien world, dating from a time when humans ran into cave bears and mammoths and aurochs. It’s virtually like a window into the Hyborian Age.

It will be some decades before the site is fully excavated. But in the mean time, studies of the site – a hill – using ground penetrating radar have shown that the site covers a considerable area. Assuming the Islamic State, the Turkish Government, or some other group of whacked out nutjobs doesn’t trash the place, it should prove to be invaluable.

One interesting and useful website full of information on Göbekli Tepe is:

 Posted by at 2:49 am