Jul 212018

What with ComiCon, a lot of trailers dropped within the last day or two. Because why the hell not, here are a few of them that caught my eye…

“Aquaman:” Looks like exactly what DC has been doing. A bloated CGI fest. Looks… meh.

“Shazam!” Looks like someone didn’t get the “this is how we do movies at DC” memo. This one actually looks like it might be *fun.*

“Godzilla 2:” It looks like it should be good. The trailer is fine and sets the right mood, but sadly they didn’t capture the sheer stunning cosmic horror awesomeness of the trailer for the first Godzilla back in 2014.

“Iron Sky 2” The trailer has fun with the extended production and constant delays to this flick.

“Glass:” M. Night Shyamalan hit big and quickly went into a slump, but some of his recent movies have shown evidence that he’s getting back into the game of quality moviemaking. “Glass,” the sequel to “Split,” which turned out to be a sequel to “Unbreakable,” looks pretty damned good.




 Posted by at 3:16 pm