Jun 252018

When Babylon 5 was first aired in the early 90’s, it was a prime example not of the very best in visual effects, but of the best-effects-on-a-budget. The visual effects – done entirely with computer graphics, in its infancy  for television – were serviceable and allowed for some remarkable things to be shown, but it was never spectacular quality. And in the years since as the technology has progressed, the mid-90’s-vintage CGI just doesn’t really seem to hold up. Of course, that’s not what the show was about: the characters, the ideas, the plotlines: THOSE kicked substantial ass.

The five seasons of Babylon 5 are now available on Amazon Prime. I’ve had the DVDs for years, so this is nothing all that new for me, but I’ve heard complaints about the quality of the visual effects on the Amazon version. This rather extensive article goes into detail about the history of B5’s troubles with VFX quality, and what some people hope to do about it.

‘Babylon 5’ is great, so why does it look so bad?

 Posted by at 1:12 am