May 152018

I don’t use the word “treason” lightly. But read this and see if you don’t agree that the movement to overturn science and replace it with “social justice” isn’t just exactly that.

How Identity Politics Is Harming the Sciences

There is a movement afoot to jam “diversity” and all it’s related anti-science nonsense into the American STEM field. this will have but one result: to destroy American STEM capabilities. This will weaken the United States and help continue the dumbing-down of the nation; where today we laugh at Flat Earthers and Creationists and anti-vaccers and homeopathy and astrology, tomorrow we could well have them as official curricula and government policy. Who will benefit from this? Certainly not anyone in the sciences. Certainly not any of the “diverse” people who have been brought into the sciences by the process of lowering standards, as their groups will suffer from the medical and technical failures that come from adulterating actual science with bullcrap. Who will benefit? Those who have avoided the SJWs and have kept *actual* science in their science. The future will belong to them.

Learn Chinese, people.

 Posted by at 10:30 am