Aug 272009

The latest in the series. This shows the same circular moon-landing monstrocity featured in the last episode, this time next to what must be meant to be some sort of nuclear powered deep-range explorer or some such. Note also the bulbous-nosed reentry spaceplane in the background; my guess is that the nose-bulb would be either ejected, or burned off, after re-entry, leaving an aerodynamically cleaner vehicle.


 Posted by at 5:44 pm

  One Response to “Martin Space Art: 5”

  1. It looks like the EVAing astronauts are sticking something into the forward engine nozzle on the ring of the Moonship… if it were atomic, I’d expect you would want to avoid close proximity to its engines, unlike what is shown here.
    I always liked the winged RVs from this time period, although how the pilot is supposed to see out of that thing is problematic.

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