May 042018

The hits just keep on coming.

Day before yesterday, Buttons started a new thing: barfing. A lot. First he barfed up his food, then he barfed up foam. So today I took him to the vet. He was X-rayed and large gas bubbles spotted in his intestines. The vet suggests that the likeliest cause is some sort of blockage… quite possibly a string of some kind. Unfortunately, Buttons is a dumbass when it comes to string, gnawing on strings at every opportunity. It’s not a 100% certainty that that’s the problem, but if it *is* a problem, the string could cut through his intestines and kill him dead. So he’s spending the night at the vet; first thing in the AM the vet will look at him again, see if he has barfed or pooped or whatever, then decide what to do. Very likely there will be an operation.

I also discussed Raedthinn with this same vet a different one from a few days go, to get a second opinion. This vet has seen this problem many times. And every time it has ended with death.


UPDATE, Saturday AM: The vet re-X-rayed Buttons this morning and found that things are moving. The progress is indicative of there *not* being a string in his bowels, so no surgery is called for and he has been sent home. However… the excessive barfing has not been explained. So I’m to keep a watch on him for the next few days and rush him back tot he clinic if the barfing returns. So… about halfway to good news, I suppose.

 Posted by at 4:49 pm