Apr 292018

Filming begins on BBC One drama The War of the Worlds

Stars some people I’ve never heard of, doesn’t say when it’ll air, but does say it’s set in “Edwardian” England. There is this statement:

this is the first version to be set in London and the Home Counties during the Edwardian period

Which I do not believe is accurate. More than a decade ago there was a low budget independent WotW flick that was Just Terrible. Really, it was entirely awful. But it was set in the right place and the right time.

If the Bbc sticks to the source material, they could have something good on their hands. WotW remains an amazing book with some truly effective moments. I want to see the Thunder Child done right. The 2005 Spielberg version was, in its way, pretty good, and it did include one incredibly creepifyin’ shot: the war machine stands up and howls. In the book the machines talked to each other across the miles with loud hooting voices; this could be incredibly disturbing if handled correctly.

 Posted by at 12:49 am