Aug 272009

The last time I saw “Howard the Duck” was probably 1986 or 87 on HBO. At the time, it was readily acknowledged to be a Bad Movie; as a result, producer George Lucas (best known for his involvement with the “Star Wars Holiday Special”) has publicly stated that he’d like it to simply disappear. The last time I even *thought* of Howard the Duck was probably over a year ago, in the context of reading some article bemoaning the lack of a DVD, and the unlikelihood of there ever being one.

<>So imagine my surprise when I saw Howard the Duck DVDs on sale yesterday. And further imagine my surprise to see these DVDs (which, according to, came out in March of this year), already marked down from $8.99 to $5.99.And, yes, after a review of the DVD, it remains a Bad Movie.

So… can we expect to perhaps see a SWHS DVD in the future?

 Posted by at 9:27 am

  One Response to “Straight to the bargain bin”

  1. It was so bad it was good! It was simply awful, and stuck to the comic pretty closely. I mean come on, nothing like a really bad Bmovie to cure the blues. All the disasters in your life fade away in the face of a truly, comically bad movie!

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