Apr 242018

The video link I’d posted a few days ago with Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar inciting violence and terrorism got taken down. So I went looking for a replacement video, and in the process found the video below, which seems to be a complete recording of the “discussion” that was excerpted. I say “seems” because I haven’t watched the whole thing. In fact, as I type this the video is currently paused at 15 seconds into a one hour, fifteen minute vid. Why? Because holy crap, that’s why. I try to be a tolerant guy. I recognize that I’m weird in my own way, grating to many, likely very annoying to listen to. But the first *word* spoken in this video set off my cringe-response about as powerfully as it ever has been. Yeesh. I dare y’all to take a look. Let me know how far you get before you go stabbing at that “pause” or “stop” or “turn it off, turn it off!” button.

UPDATE: tried it again, made it abut a minute in. All I can think is that somewhere, Paul Lynde must be looking on, shaking his head and saying “tone it down.”


 Posted by at 4:23 pm