Apr 212018

Fresno State – and it’s donors – must be so proud.

Note: again, free speech. But also note, she is caught advocating violence, directly, bombing houses and hijacking airliners. Perhaps this isn’t enough for the cops to get involved, but it does seem like the sort of thing her employer might be interested in. It’s certainly the sort of thing that anyone thinking of going to Fresno State, or paying for someone to go to Fresno State, should bear in mind. Also: she’s a professor of the English language. Listen to her and judge whether you think that’s really something that she seems to be proficient in.

UPDATE: hmm. Seems the video has been yanked due to a copyright complaint from one Jesse Zook Mann. Without further info, I’d guess that Mann shot at least part of the video that was used, and was annoyed that the clips were used to show what a horrible person Jarrar actually is, using her own words.

Let’s try another one:

And the following certainly seems to be a copy of the original YouTube vid, so I’d expect it to get copyright-struck sooner or later (download now):

She thinks she is owed your stuff and your childrens minds.

Now, the question is: for regular folks, not part of the judicial system, or part of the educational system, not a donor to Fresno State. You know, regular folk with no power but what the Constitution allows. Nothing illegal, or violent, or threatening. Well, we live in the era of the non-stop protest. So… protest, but don’t be like one of those brainless bipedal semi-solidified farts on the left who pop up in the course of a presentation with a bullhorn and deafen everyone in the room. Be smarter than that… and get a Speech Jammer.

 Posted by at 12:30 pm