Mar 202018

I think I’m out, and they keep sucking me back in…

Profs claim scientific objectivity reinforces ‘whiteness’

OK, let’s forget the nonsensical race-based identity politics that the University of Colorado/Denver professors are pushing. What *really* grinds my gears is this:

“This way of knowing science in the absence of other ways of knowing only furthers whiteness and White supremacy through power and control of science knowledge,” they maintain. “As a result, our students of Color are victims of deculturization, and their own worldviews are invalidated, such as described by Ladson-Billings.”

Other ways of knowing.



These jackwads want to equate superstition and tradition and folklore and just pulling “wisdom” directly from one’s own rectal cavity with the hard work of hypothesis and testing and data gathering and reason… and, most importantly, questioning your own suppositions.

To that I say…

… let me know when someone uses “other ways of knowing” to launch a satellite into orbit, or send an aircraft across an ocean, or cures friggen’ cancer or does *anything* to meaningfully add to our understanding of how the universe actually works. Until that time…

 Posted by at 9:56 am