Aug 222009

On display at the NASM Udvar-Hazy facility.

img_5702.JPG  img_5706.JPG

 Posted by at 11:49 pm

  4 Responses to “Orion display model”

  1. I could have sworn I saw the “Hot-Rod” Orion prototype at the Smithsonian as well.

  2. It was. But when I visitted the NASM in October, the “early space” section of the museum was emptied out. When I visited the Udvar-Hazy center a little later, the Hot Rod wasn’t there, and nobody there knew anything about it. It is, I presume, sitting in a box somewhere.

  3. Dang – even more important that your project continues or else the following generations will forget.

    I did read through your earlier posts on saving knowledge from your career and the giants we launch our careers on every day and had a little dejavu.

    My mentor at OEA said the exact same thing to me when he handed over his ballistics files from ~1950 through 2000 over for my safekeeping. He said “make sure this is not forgotten”. I use the files often. The info is safe in my personal files or transcribed over to more modern calculations sheets in mathcad now.

  4. I remember seeing the “Hot-Rod” Orion at the Smithsonian, many many years ago. Actually more like decades ago.

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