Jan 032018

Yeah, yeah, I’m no fan of “social media” either, but just as a reminder I have a Facebook page for Aerospace Projects Review. Right now it’s basically playing catchup with the APR blog (which, FYI, typically runs my aerospace projects stuff a day or so before they run on the Unwanted Blog). Honestly I’m at a loss to explain what added value the FB page has over the blog, but it’s there. I suppose if the blogs ever crash, like they’ve done a few times in years past, the Fb page might be the place to check to see if it is indeed a blog crash as opposed to me being dead or on the lam or some such. If the blogs *and* the Fb page go down at the same time… unless there’s some system wide attack on the internet, then chances are that either I’ve been specifically targeted, or I’ve finally given up all this stuff and have shut everything down and joined a cult or something.


If’n yer big in social media and what to share the APR Fb page… hey, great.

 Posted by at 11:14 pm