Dec 302017

Ladies and gentlemen… your tax dollars at work.

Infamous Tampa mother back in court, facing eviction; demands once again ‘somebody needs to pay’

In 2010 she had 15 biological children (article doesn’t say how many mechanical ones) and she demanded that someone had to pay for them. That someone being, of course, anyone but her. So the property tax payers in the Tampa region got to foot the bill to get her a house, paid for through the Tampa Housing Authority. She doesn’t have to pay rent, but due to “maintenance problems,” she and her now *seventeen* children are being evicted.


Dumb, dumb, dumb. There’s so much dumb in this story it’s hard to know where to begin. The woman may or may not be dumb, though it certainly seems likely; what’s certain is that she’s an awful (greedy, selfish, short-sighted, uncaring) person. Who clearly *is* dumb is anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to subsidize this sort of behavior, anyone who thinks that responsibility- and consequence-free welfare states will lead to better societies, anyone who thinks that simply paying the unproductive to have children is better than getting them fitted with Norplant.

Imagine how much better off American society would be in a few generations if the culture changes so that the *rich* thought it was neato-keen to have whole squads of kids, while the poor reigned it in. If you want to narrow the divide between rich and poor, want to reduce the “wealth gap,” *that* would be the way to do it. With each bagrillionaires death, the fortune is split up among a larger number of offspring. With poor families having fewer children, the parents have more time to improve their lot, let effort required to raise their kids… and less tax dollars needed to do it. How exactly you go about changing society in this fashion, I don’t know. Maybe expensive baby licenses, with substantial criminal sanction against those who violate the law. This would make babies a status symbol of sorts. (the fee for the license could go into a bank account for the baby to pay for their college or some such, untouchable till they’re 18 or otherwise eligible)


 Posted by at 9:13 am