Dec 172017

No, not just the white people vs. black people divide, or the rich vs. poor, right vs. left, sane vs. SJW. No, it goes deeper than that:

Clearly, the gap between “audience” and “critic” has become unbridgable.

Having seen “The Orville,” I gotta agree with the audiences: it’s awesome. Having seen “Last Jedi,” I gotta agree with the audience: it’s meh. I have no doubt that it’s going to make buckets of money, but… it seemed to just sorta sit there and not do anything. And a lot of just just didn’t make any damn sense. Without getting too spoilery, the bulk of the plot revolves around a sublight chase. One side is running flat out on their sublight engines because they can’t jump to hyperdrive; the other side is chasing them and is unable to catch up to them, so it’s sort of a stalemate. Except… the side that’s doing the chasing doesn’t have a problem jumping to hyperdrive. So just jump a ship ahead of them. How hard is that?

And once again… what’s the deal with Phasma? They make a point of having this apparently interesting character with chrome-plated armor… and she’s on screen for about five seconds and does approximately diddly.

 Posted by at 2:33 am