Aug 142009

There’s almost no part of this story that doesn’t drip with awesomeness.

From the New York Daily News:

A shotgun-wielding owner of a Harlem restaurant-supply company blasted two robbers to death and wounded two others on Thursday when he caught them pistol-whipping his employee, police said…

This is the one bit that’s wholly questionable:

Augusto told cops he bought his shotgun after a robbery nearly 30 years ago. Browne said it was unclear Thursday night if Augusto has a license for the weapon.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure he has a license for the weapon. It’s right here:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

 Posted by at 2:09 am

  8 Responses to “*THIS* is how you do it”

  1. “The other – Raylin Footmon, a nephew of a cop in the NYPD’s 25th Precinct – made it across the street before collapsing on the sidewalk, police and witnesses said. He was later pronounced dead at St. Luke’s Hospital. ”

    Nephew of a cop. Ahahahahahaha. That officer is NEVER going to hear the last of THAT.

  2. Good for him! Hope he doesn’t get sued by anyone, he was completely within his rights.

    Every once in a while (once every 3-6 months, on average), we’ll hear about a robbery or armed robbery on the streets of campus. One of my friends once told me he was waiting for the day when one of those email bulletins would end with something like, “the intended victim was actually a second-degree black belt, and the intended robber ended up in the hospital in traction.”

  3. I wish we could defend ourselves like that in Europe. Really.

    But if someone would do that around here, the left-wing and Green party (ultra leftists) would storm his shop, block all access, maybe even beat him up and then drag him into court for being a murderer and what not. And then they’d hold vigils for the “victims”, etc.

    Things like that have happened in Germany, and even here in Austria.

    I think Mr Augusto did the right thing. Oh wait, I’m in Europe, I’m not supposed to say that… I’m supposed to be “sophisticated” and uh… “civilized”, which, in Euro-peon Newspeak, means: no matter what criminals do to you, take it with a smile and say “thank you” after wards.

  4. Badger: Shouldn’t you be singing “I’m an Oscar Meyer Weiner”? 😉

  5. Well, for once we’d say “Wiener”, cause Weiner as a noun is, quite literally, “whiner”, and secondly that’d be a German thing to do 😛

    You see, there were days when we Austrians looked at Germany in envy, as if Germany was our big brother. Today we look at them and laugh at them over how weak they have become.

  6. (That was a Demolition Man reference. You’d have to see the show. 🙂 )

  7. I too applaud Augusto’s actions..but his own reaction is interesting:

    Surveying the spattered blood and shotgun pellet holes in the door of his store, Augusto said he didn’t want to pull the trigger and kill two of the four invaders.
    “I would have been happy if they’d all run out the door,” he said. “I’m sick to my stomach over it.”
    Augusto, 72, insisted he told the gunman who’d just pistol-whipped his clerk to clear out, but the bandit just wouldn’t listen.
    “I’m sad I couldn’t talk him out of it,” he said. “I’m sad there’s mothers and fathers with no sons today.”
    Augusto said he has some idea what they must be feeling because his son, Charles, killed himself with a gun a dozen years ago, and “the pain never goes away.”
    “I don’t feel like a hero,” he added. “I would have felt like a hero if I could have talked that kid into going home.”
    Outside the store, clerk Toxie (JB) Hall – still seething over being beaten by the thugs – kicked aside a votive candle passerby Maria Ceballos had lit for the dead men.
    “Have a heart,” said Ceballos, 54, who insisted she didn’t know the dead hoods but, as a Catholic, had sympathy for all.
    “F–k ’em,” Hall barked.

    Read more:

  8. End of the above article states the owner isn’t being charged with anything, though it sounds like the Morgan guys family might try something legal at the owner because he was “good man and a good son” ya right.

    From the description though they don’t mention who did what other than Morgan having the gun, I suspect that the other dead guy, Footman was the one beating Hall. And if Hall wasn’t just in hysterics it also sounds like Footman and/or Morgan were open about planning on killing the people in the store.

    Hell yes he shot them ‘in-the-back’ since the guy with the gun (Morgan) had turned away from him to help beat up on Hall!
    I’d make a guess the owner won’t get the shotgun back, but that’s more to do with the bueracracy than anything else. If he’s willing to keep asking for it back 5 years from now when if FINALLY gets released from evidence, but I’m guessing he’s going to have no problems getting another defensive weapon in the meantime.


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