Dec 042017

Quentin Tarantino Hatches ‘Star Trek’ Movie Idea; Paramount, JJ Abrams To Assemble Writers Room

Tarantino wants to write and direct a  Trek movie. And JJ Abrams, the guy who famously said that he didn’t like Star Trek but who somehow wound up in charge of it, thinks it’s a neato-keen idea.

Look, I know a lot of people like Tarantinos movies. I’ve seen a number of them once. Once. I’ve never seen one of his movies twice. And I’ve seen both Trek V *and* nemesis multiple times.

I just don’t see how buckets of fake blood and paragraphs of profanity really make for a proper Star Trek movie. But then… STD is currently the official flag holder for the franchise.


And in other Star Trek news, looks like we’ll be getting a new Star Trek movie in January. Well… sorta. Behold the trailer for “Please Stand By:”

 Posted by at 7:43 pm