Nov 232017

It turns out that women don’t want to date unattractive men. Shocking, I know.

Are looks more important than personality when choosing a man?

Physical attractiveness strongly influenced how women and their mothers saw the target men. The attractive and moderately attractive ones came up trumps. Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favourably than their counterparts only when they were also at least moderately attractive. Even when unattractive men possessed the most desirable traits, the mothers and daughters did not view them as potential dating material.

“We conclude that a minimum level of physical attractiveness is a necessity for both women and their mothers,” says Fugére.


Of course, this is perfectly sensible. What people – taken in the larger bulk sense of the term – consider to be physically attractive *usually* correlates reasonably well with health and the ability to create, raise and sustain offspring in a world full of savages and cave lions and wolves and such.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm