Aug 102009

HERE is a really good editorial by Tom Coburn, Republican Senator from Oklahoma. Of the ten, I liked these best:

1. Why do we need to increase spending on health care by at least $1.6 trillion and steal prosperity from our children and grandchildren when we spend nearly twice per person what other industrialized nations spend on health care?

2. What programs will you cut and whose taxes will you raise to pay for health-care reform?

3. What earmarks or pet projects that you have sponsored will you sacrifice to help finance the cost of health-care reform?

5. If the public option is so wonderful, will you lead by example and vote for a plan to enroll you and your family in the public option?

I offered an amendment in committee to force members of Congress to enroll in the public option. Nine out of eleven Democrats on the health committee who back the public option refused. If the politicians creating the public option don’t have confidence in it, neither should the American people.

#5 is especially good. If you happen to go to a “Town Hall” meeting, rather tha

 Posted by at 11:47 am

  One Response to “Ten Questions Politicians Won’t Answer”

  1. Stripping members of Congress of their free healthcare and all pay/benefits would be a good start.

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