Aug 022009

… on expensive beds for your pet cat. I have several of them, and for the most part my cats have never really had much use for ’em. But these cheap (under ten bucks) “beds” made out of cardboard… oh yeah, they think these things are just the coolest.



 Posted by at 5:37 pm

  4 Responses to “Don’t waste your money”

  1. All you have to do is throw an open box on the floor (or bed, or table, desk, or chair, or anywhere) and a cat will materialize in it.

  2. cardboard box is a cat paradise

    about cat materialize in a box
    Erwin Schrödinger try find that out, how it works
    let say he try it

  3. We shop at a discount grocery store, get canned goods by the flat, and as soon as one hits the floor a cat is in it. We end up with 4 or 5 scattered around for a few days, then slowly disappear them so everybody is back to their regular sleep stations.

  4. Our cat Ed, a big lanky american shorthair would sit in any box. We put a shoebox in the middle of the livingroom floor and sure enough, he climbed in and after about 5 mins of trying different strategies, was able to tuck in his legs and fit inside with half his body over-hanging the edges.

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