Feb 022017

… to burn the joint down.

Protests, Violence Prompt UC Berkeley to Cancel Milo Yiannopoulos Event

Leftists responding with a terroristic temper tantrum?

Here’s a woman being interviewed and then getting assaulted for having the wrong politics:

And here they are beating a man down in the streets, and then continuing to beat on him once he’s down:

Probably safe to assume that we’ll be seeing a whole lot more of this sort of thing. A few days back someone sucker punched Richard Spencer in the street. Not that big a deal on its own… just one guy hitting another guy. Spencer is the “alt right” guy who did the “hail Trump” nonsense a while back, a “neo-Nazi” feller. After Spencer was punched, there was a *lot* of chatter online about whether it was ok to physically assault Nazis, and the general consensus seems to have been “yes.” On one hand… fark Nazis. But on the other hand, the Left has spent *years* tossing the “Nazi” epithet around, calling anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi or a fascist. So they have in essence been making the argument that it not only acceptable but *praiseworthy* to physically assault Republicans, libertarians, centrists… anyone they don’t agree with. Hell, **I* have been repeatedly called a fascist over the years when I have argued in favor of a small government that is Constitutionally restrained and limited in power with minimal negative impact on the freedoms of the citizenry. These jackholes don’t know what “fascism” really means, but they do know that it’s ok to attack fascists and that they can declare anyone they like a fascist.

So… yeah. Get used to this.


 Posted by at 10:17 am