Dec 222016

It’s an old, old  complaint that MTV is no longer what it was. Of course, in the Old Days – you know, back when I was a kid and Things Were Awesome – MTV was all about the music videos… and in the years since it has stopped being about music videos. it became about reality shows and game shows and… well, I don;t really know, since I don’t watch MTV anymore.

Like most media outlets, MTV has blursted forth onto Teh Internets with their own little videos and such. And here is where MTV seems to have really gone off the rails. They seem to have become the “white people suck” network. I don’t know if this is because MTV’s leadership actually believes that white people need to be taken down a peg or three, or if they’ve simply made the business decision to suck up to those sweet, sweet social justice warrior dollars, but the end result is the same. They keep cranking out videos that smugly proclaim that anyone who doesn’t agree with this or that SJW position is an Evil Alt-Right White Supremacist.

They recently vomited forth one of their little efforts that was *so* insipidly racist that MTV actually yanked it off YouTube after it received virtually universal negative response. Fortunately, a number of people downloaded the video before MTV deleted it, and then they made mocking reaction videos about it. They make for decent entertainment… something that MTV seems to have forgotten how to accomplish.

Note that the full array of Anglo-Saxon colorful metaphors is on display in these videos. So, NSFW, I guess.


 Posted by at 6:25 pm