Dec 082016

And it’s from here in Utah!

Judge dismisses Utah man’s lawsuit against Taylor Swift

The dumb thing isn’t that the lawsuit was dismissed, but that it existed in the first place. In short, Random Guy writes an unsolicited song for Taylor Swift, who is reportedly a singer. Swifts agents never gave her the song. I suspect that celebrities get a *lot* of unsolicited stuff, the bulk of it talentless crap; I’ve no reason to suspect that this was any different. So the songwriter decided to sue for emotional damage or some such nonsense. The judge wisely tossed the suit.

If you remember back to when I first brought up Trigglypuff, I mentioned the minor difficulty I had in that I don’t want to mock people based on their appearance or other physical issues, but in some cases the persons behavior opens them up to all manner of ridicule. Well, guess what. Here we are again. Watch the video in the link and you’ll see what I mean.

 Posted by at 10:42 pm