Dec 012016

Here’s an interesting, if brief, piece on how various religions might handle intelligent aliens showing up:

How Will Our Religions Handle the Discovery of Alien Life?

For each of the rather few religions described, two reactions are described:

  1. Can the religion handle the idea of intelligent aliens
  2. Will the religion try to convert the aliens

The Buddhists, for example, are presumed to be perfectly cool with the idea of ETs, and will not be overly interested in converting them. Jews will accept aliens just fine, and have no interest in converting them. Muslims will accept aliens, but *will* want to convert them. Creationists will have some serious difficulty in accepting aliens. Catholics seem to be a mishmash.

Not listed: Mormons, Hindus, Shinto, standard Protestants, various pagans. And then there are the newage religions, the modern UFO cults, the Scientologists.

Feel free to speculate away!

 Posted by at 5:23 pm