Nov 192016

Whenever someone tells you “that’s not funny” or “you can’t/shouldn’t laugh about that subject,” just remember: yes, you should. Note that in this compilation, comedians tell jokes about topics or identity groups that we’re often told “there’s nothing funny about that.” And you know what happens when the comedians tell jokes about these unfunny topics? The audience laughs. Because it’s friggen funny.

A bunch of comics I’ve never heard of before. One guy, who’s first clip starts at about 7:30, is a feller name of Steve Hughes. I am now going to have to look up more of his stuff. Because he’s not just funny, he’s got a damned good approach to the angertarians who use PC (or in his words, “intellectual colonials and psychological fascism for the creation of thought crime”) to try to shut people up.

Sadly, the thumbnail image for this YouTube video has a Naughty Word clearly visible, so rather than posting the video itself, here’s a link to the YouTube page with the video. If you are in an office or school setting, you may contemplate hooking it up to the PA system and providing your co-workers/students/faculty with 23 minutes of humor. Just what the world needs in this fractious time! As a bonus, you can play “spot the easily offended” by looking for the ones turning beet red with steam comign out their ears.

But no, don’t do that. Even though it would be hilarious.

 Posted by at 10:02 pm