Nov 182016

So, the losing Presidential candidate is almost universally acknowledged as being intensely corrupt and by a large fraction of the public as having engaged in criminal practices. The winning Presidential candidate is widely acknowledged to be pretty vindictive and incapable of “letting go.” So the obvious conclusion to draw is that President Giant Middle Finger will sic the Justice Department on Angry Grandma the first chance he gets. This will set off a firestorm, with the sizable fraction of the public that actually thought that Hillary Clinton would make a good President believing that to be a banana republic sort of event. Regardless of how justified (or not) sending the Presidential Loser to prison would be would be, it would be an unfortunate precedent.

Fortunately, I have a solution. It’s simple, entirely feasible, Constitutional and will make everyone happy. On Day One, President Trump simply pardons Hillary.

This should make the lefties happy, because it ends the wrangling and doesn’t send Hillary to prison. It results in the end of the idea of the President using the power of government to punish his political enemies (well, in this one area, anyway).

Now, why would the anti-Hillary folk back this idea? It sounds like kind of a loser for the people who want to see corruption punished. But consider: you don’t get pardoned for being innocent. Having been pardoned for violating security clearance laws with the email server will be one of the first things people think about when they hear “Hillary Clinton.” And the wording of the pardon could well be made interesting; it could be a masterpiece of left-handed complimenting. Say exactly what Hillary is guilty of (“influence peddling,” “gross violation of State Department email handling rules,” “bathing in the blood of kittens,” whatever), then say she’s pardoned for it. The beauty of it is that there is no need for “due process,” and no court to appeal to… a President can pardon whoever he likes, and if the pardoned person doesn’t like it, well, that’s just too bad.

Done right, this could essentially torpedo any possibility of Hillary running again for President (not that there’s a whole lot of chance of that, anyway). Sure, it gets her out of jail time… but that was probably never going to happen anyway. She is facing the worst punishment anyway: with no prospect of being President or otherwise in a position to direct national policy, who the hell is going to shower her, Bill or Chelsea with insanely large buckets of money to give pointless speeches or monumentally vast advances for books nobody is going to buy?

 Posted by at 11:27 pm