Nov 122016

Y’all have heard of “Sovereign Citizens,” I assume. In the US there are two basic types:

  1. Nutty white folks living out in the boonies on their farms and such, who claim that US Federal laws (such as income tax and the like) don’t apply to them.
  2. Nutty black folks living in urban areas, typically squatting in other people homes and apartments, who claim that US Federal laws don’t apply to them because they are Moors.

Both groups are nutty and tend to make a mess of the courts, tying up the system with bullcrap lawsuits and claim filing sand such. Both groups also tend to get a pretty thorough whalloping by the legal system, though it takes some time and taxpayer dollars to get it done.

Here’s the good news: it’s not a uniquely American form of nuttiness. Gentlemen, behold:

Hundreds of Germans are living as if the Reich never ended

Here we have the German equivalent, the “Imperial Citizen.”

The so-called Reichsbürger are convinced that the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) does not exist. In its place the old German Empire endures, which in their telling was never properly abolished and persists in the borders of either 1871 or 1937.

There is one way in which the Imperial Citizen is even whackier than the Soviereign Citizen. In the US, the SC’s believe that they are, as one might expect, sovereign. They have no ruler (though I suspect there’s a lot of cultishness and leaders probably exist). But in Germany…

it is not clear even to the Reichsbürger who the true imperial government-in-waiting is. There are about 30 rival imperial chancellors, several princes and at least one king.


Ya gotta wonder about the sanity of people who deny the reality of the world.


 Posted by at 4:25 pm