Oct 172016

On the one hand, this seems like it might be kinda neat: a double barreled .380 Derringer that folds up and looks like a smart phone. Great defensive weapon for concealability. What’s not to like?

On the other hand, there have been numerous cases of people getting plugged by the police because they pulled out wallets or cell phones and the cops involved thought they were actually small pistols. Imagine if the police got wind of there being *actual* “cell phone guns.”

I have no idea how real this is… is it just computer imagery, or have they built and tested practical, functional firearms. Are they a vaporware company, or are they good to go. The “Ideal Conceal” website is not terribly informative on these points.


And on the gripping hand… if concealability, practicality and, let’s face it, the ability to actually function outside of the movie-physics-realm are not major priorities, you could always go with this:

 Posted by at 2:49 am