Jun 222008

On this day in 1633, 375 years ago, Galilio Galilei was forced by the Inquisition to recant his heretical claims that the Earth moved around the Sun. Part of the problem tha  the Catholic Church had with Galileo was his scientific claims which went against religious doctrine, but a lot of their problem with him was that he was a cranky old loudmouth who went to a lot of trouble to annoy the hell out of people.

Sounds like my kinda guy.

 The Papal condemnation

Whereas you, Galileo, son of the late Vaincenzo Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years, were in the year 1615 denounced to this Holy Office for holding as true the false doctrine taught by some that the Sun is the center of the world and immovable and that the Earth moves, and also with a diurnal motion; for having disciples to whom you taught the same doctrine; for holding correspondence with certain mathematicians of Germany concerning the same; for having printed certain letters, entitled “On the Sunspots,” wherein you developed the same doctrine as true; and for replying to the objections from the Holy Scriptures, which from time to time were urged against it, by glossing the said Scriptures according to your own meaning: and whereas there was thereupon produced the copy of a document in the form of a letter, purporting to be written by you to one formerly your disciple, and in this divers propositions are set forth, following the position of Copernicus, which are contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture:

Galileo recantation 

But whereas — after an injunction had been judicially intimated to me by this Holy Office, to the effect that I must altogether abandon the false opinion that the sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center of the world, and moves, and that I must not hold, defend, or teach in any way whatsoever, verbally or in writing, the said false doctrine, and after it had been notified to me that the said doctrine was contrary to Holy Scripture — I wrote and printed a book in which I discuss this new doctrine already condemned, and adduce arguments of great cogency in its favor, without presenting any solution of these, and for this reason I have been pronounced by the Holy Office to be vehemently suspected of heresy, that is to say, of having held and believed that the Sun is the center of the world and immovable, and that the earth is not the center and moves:

It has been rumored that after he gave his official recantation, Galileo whispered “Eppur si muove” (“And yet it moves.”) Sadly, there’s no evidence of this, and  the quote was  probably invented years or even centuries later.

 Posted by at 11:24 am

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