Jul 192009

Behold the bizarreness of Japan, courtesy of a Russian website.

I’m sure that not all of these are actually Japan, but the great majority sure seem to be. Is this what happens when you take a medieval feudal society and nuke it into the modern age?

 Posted by at 10:02 am

  6 Responses to “WTF, Japan. Seriously, WTF.”

  1. It’s all true…

    but there’s some SK stuff mixed in too!

  2. WTF???


  3. Pretty sure any country in the world can match or top any of these, I’ve seen weirder just living in San Francisc… oh, wait.

  4. > any country in the world can match or top any of these

    Probably… but the Japanese seem to do it so *easily,* where Western freaks really have to work at it. Of course, it could also just be the availability of cameras in Japan, I dunno…

  5. It looks like the Russians took the pictures from Polish website widelec.org. Polish “Widelec” stands for “fork”. They took this name maybe because there is a popular Polish idiomatic phrase which describes nailing things with a fork.

  6. I think the lower photo is of Ultraman fans:


    Could be weirder; they could be dressed as Daleks:


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