Jul 122016

This short film is a demonstration of the capability of a real-time videogame rendering engine. For that purpose it seems to succeed pretty well… the animation is largely smooth and flawless (some jerkiness here and there). But in order to do the demo, a fragment of a story is told, and, man, is it a disturbing one:

What *seems* to be happening here is that a prison is releasing a large number of prisoners all at once, to stumble out into an unknown wilderness. But the prisoners are all structurally identical androids. Weird as that is, the reactions of the main character android seem to indicate that there’s a *human* in there, presumably a human mind copied and uploaded into the androids artificial brain.

That… would be one nasty way to punish a criminal (or enemy of the state). Make ’em live forever, or at least a very long time, in a body that is not their own and which is pretty limiting, Yeesh.

 Posted by at 11:21 pm