Jun 112016

I drove past this truck yesterday, north of Brigham City. To me it sure looks like an old Minuteman ICBM transporter truck; if so, it almost certainly wasn’t actually transporting an ICBM, or I’ve expected more of an escort.

truck2 truck1

Screenshots from my craptacular $35 dashcam.

A bit of googling finds that that’s almost certainly what it was…

Minuteman III ICBM Transporter Erector: My former office on 32 wheels

What you don’t want to do with one of these things:

Missile accident blamed on poor training


Now, a thought occurs to me. I suspect that these transporters just aren’t used as much as they once were. I suspect most of them have been recycled. But if – *if*, mind you – you had excess money *and* you were able to get one of these surplus… imagine what an *awesome* RV you could make out of it. Heck, design it to keep the “erector” function, with necessary amenities either properly locked down or able to rotate so that it’s functional either horizontal or vertical. And way up front, that’s where you’d put your combination bedroom/observatory, complete with telescope.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm