Apr 082016

Was working on a model for a client, using a dremel tool with a rotary saw to cut through some fiberglass. The axle of the saw somehow bent around and the saw bit my fargin index finger, taking a chunk off it. Boy howdy has there been a lot of blood. It’s wrapped up tight, but I’m suspecting a visit to the doc might be advisable. Maybe the vet. Probably cheaper.


Next Day UPDATE: Went to the doc.

“You need a few stitches. When did this happen?”

“About 10 hours ago.”

“Oh. Well, too late for stitches.”

So the wound was cleaned up (a process that involved scrub brushes and scissors… *finally,* some good old fashioned *pain*), disinfected, bound up like a big ol’ clown nose, got a tetanus shot, sent on my way. It didn’t look quite as bad as it did last night, but of course last night it was a blood-gusher.

 Posted by at 10:10 pm