Apr 072016

The first trailer for “Rogue One” was released today:

It’s out in December, and has already been picked apart frame by frame:

Every Cool Detail We Spotted in the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer

There are two bits I found of particular interest.

  1. The actress chosen to play the role of Mon Mothma played her before, in “Revenge of the Sith.” And she really, really does look like Mon Mothma from “Return of the Jedi,” except with a slightly longer neck

2: Old-School Star Destroyers. Even better, the one shown most clearly is dressed up like the Star Destroyer seen in the original “Star Wars,” rather than the slightly modified versions from “Empire” and “Jedi” (the antenna or whatever above the bridge stands up in “Star Wars,” is laid down in “Empire” and “Jedi”).

In short:


The one issue I have: in the scene showing the Death Star laser dish thingie being put into place… it’s moving in at a closing speed of *kilometers* per second. That’s gonna make touchdown kinda rough.

 Posted by at 9:49 am