Perhaps his greatest moment of stupidity comes between 1:30 and 2:00, where he says (paraphrasing) that if we simply reworked all of civilization to be more efficient, we would not need to build new powerplants. While this may be true on a simplistic mathematical level, it fails to take into account that fact that even with greatly increased efficencies, the *need* for power is going to continue for the foreseeable future. The nearly three billion people of China and India are working hard to increase their standard of living; this means, among other things, a greatly increased need for power and transport. I don’t care how efficient your systems are, you simply can’t turn a water buffalo into a car, a TV, a PC or a jetliner.
What the world needs is not “global governance” imposing “efficiency” standards that limit dreams and possibilities and liberty; what the world needs is a few hundred terawatts of new, latest-generation nuclear powerplants, preferably of the breeder reactor variety.
One Response to “Gore blathers forth again”
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When is Algore going to stop using electricity, gasoline, and plastics? Do we have a rough date on that event?